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Application for a Notice to Conduct Activity in a Protected Area near a Municipal Water Supply

The purpose of this application is to ensure municipal drinking water supplies are protected. This application is required when an activity is proposed in an area that is protected under an approved source protection plan. This application form helps fulfil the requirements for the Risk Management Official (RMO) to evaluate proposals related to restricted land uses in approved source protection plans and Section 59 of the Clean Water Act, 2006. Should you have any questions or concerns, or require this information in an accessible format please contact the Risk Management Official at Kawartha Conservation.

Risk Management Official
Kawartha Conservation
277 Kenrei Road
Lindsay, ON
K9V 4R1

We require the following information to help ensure a timely response to proposed planning and building permit applications. The information listed below will be required for all applications for notices. Please note that a notice is required from the RMO prior to the submission of a planning application. A notice will be required before a building permit is issued by the municipality. A risk management plan to address a potential impact of an activity on a drinking water system may be required before a notice is issued. The submission of additional information may be necessary.

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